Tips For Getting Business Done On The Golf Course

Many golf enthusiasts take their business to the golf course, perhaps meeting with colleagues or clients to work things out away from the distractions of the office. If you and your guest both enjoy golfing, you'll have a pleasant activity in which to partake while you deal with whatever business you need to complete. Just as it's important to have a plan when you meet in the boardroom, you should also have a strategy for getting your business done properly while playing golf. [Read More]

In the Market for a Canoe: The Essential Accessories You Need for Your Small Boat

In addition to being a great low-impact physical activity, canoeing is a great way to enjoy fishing, bird-watching, and sightseeing on picturesque waterways. If you are in the market for your very first canoe because you want a relatively inexpensive boat for fishing and other water activities, you will have to make sure that you also purchase the appropriate accessories in order to make your outings on the water safer and more enjoyable. [Read More]

Reasons To Choose A Boat With An Outboard Motor

If you are currently shopping for a new boat, you will notice that different boats use different types of motors. The two main types of motors are inboard and outboard motors. Outboard motors are a classic option and have many benefits. Here are some reasons to choose an outboard motor. Outboard Motors Are Easier to Access One of the top benefits to choosing a boat with an outboard motor is the fact that they are much easier to access. [Read More]

Learning How To Golf

If you are looking for a low-impact sport to help you stay active and healthy, you should consider learning how to golf. The sport is not just for business executives making deals as they play at luxury golf courses or fanatic Tiger Woods wannabees. Golf is not hard on your body like running or other aerobic activities but it is still a moderately intense activity that can help you lose calories and increase your metabolic rate. [Read More]